Find Canadian homes and condos for sale or sold prices by cities.
Toronto 9515
Calgary 3820
North York 3518
Vancouver 3412
Mississauga 3200
Surrey 3123
Brampton 2588
Hamilton 1933
Scarborough 1842
Oakville 1839
Etobicoke 1692
London 1681
Kelowna 1573
Ottawa 1485
Kitchener 1404
Richmond Hill 1310
Burnaby 1274
Richmond 1227
Langley 1064
Markham 1033
Barrie 1028
Oshawa 976
Coquitlam 937
Burlington 889
Victoria 873
Milton 731
Waterloo 714
Chilliwack 703
Abbotsford 683
Niagara Falls 661
Brantford 642
North Vancouver 624
Ontario (ON) 70107
British Columbia (BC) 28044
Alberta (AB) 7819
Nova Scotia (NS) 2117
Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) 1022
Yukon (YT) 10
Disclaimer: Listing count is for reference use only and may differ from actual numbers due to rapid market changes.