Find Canadian homes and condos for sale or sold prices by cities.
Fort Mcmurray 295
Fort Erie 212
Fonthill 100
Fergus 86
Fernie 65
Fort Nelson 64
Fort St John 47
Frankford 37
Fox Creek 28
Fall River 24
Foothills 22
Freelton 18
Flamborough 17
Flesherton 17
Falkland 14
Fenwick 14
Fairview 13
Falmouth 13
Forest 13
Forestburg 10
Fruitvale 10
Fort Erie (337 - Crystal Beach) 8
Falher 7
Flatrock 6
Fingal 5
Fordwich 5
Flinton 4
Foxboro 4
Freeport 4
Finch 3
Fairview 2
Fauquier 2
Foremost 2
Fort Erie (327 - Black Creek) 2
Fortune 2
Frontier 2
Fairmont 1
Faust 1
Field 1
Fillmore 1
Fintry 1
Fleming 1
Florence 1
Fogo 1
Fogo Island (barr'd Islands) 1
Formosa 1
Fourchu 1
Fournier 1
Freeland 1
Front Of Leeds & Seeleys Bay 1
Ontario (ON) 73161
British Columbia (BC) 28644
Alberta (AB) 8130
Nova Scotia (NS) 2144
Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) 1040
Yukon (YT) 10
Disclaimer: Listing count is for reference use only and may differ from actual numbers due to rapid market changes.