Find Canadian homes and condos for sale or sold prices by cities.
Delta 481
Dundas 119
Duncan 117
Dartmouth 82
Dawson Creek 77
Dunnville 67
Dundalk 64
Delhi 47
Drumheller 31
Deep River 27
Durham 24
Drayton 17
Dorchester 16
Dieppe 15
Digby 14
Douro Dummer 12
Dashwood 11
Dunsford 11
Dutton 11
Deer Lake 10
Douro-Dummer 10
Dresden 10
Dunrobin 10
Dorset 7
Dunville 7
Dwight 7
Delaware 6
Delta 5
Deroche 5
Debert 4
Delburne 4
Dewberry 4
Didsbury 4
Drumbo 4
Darnley 3
Daysland 3
Dover 3
Duntroon 3
D'arcy 2
Danvers 2
Denfield 2
Derwent 2
Dominion 2
Donagh 2
Drummond 2
Dunmore 2
Dunvegan 2
Durrell 2
Dalkeith 1
Debec 1
Debolt 1
Delia 1
Denbigh 1
Denmark 1
Dildo 1
Dilke 1
Doaktown 1
Dobie 1
Donalda 1
Douglas 1
Duchess 1
Dundee 1
Dundurn 1
Dunster 1
Ontario (ON) 73065
British Columbia (BC) 28522
Alberta (AB) 8097
Nova Scotia (NS) 2130
Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) 1027
Yukon (YT) 10
Disclaimer: Listing count is for reference use only and may differ from actual numbers due to rapid market changes.