Find Canadian homes and condos for sale or sold prices by cities.
Mississauga 3313
Markham 1062
Milton 765
Maple Ridge 580
Mission 292
Maple 264
Medicine Hat 96
Manotick 91
Merritt 81
Meaford 67
Midland 67
Mount Hope 63
Mount Forest 58
Moncton 56
Minesing 53
Marmora 46
Mono 45
Madoc 43
Mount Albert 39
Merrickville 33
Mitchell 31
Mulmur 29
Minden 28
Millbrook 25
Mayne Island 24
Melancthon 22
Madeira Park 21
Markdale 21
Mount Pearl 19
Mahone Bay 17
Midhurst 16
Moose Jaw 16
Mill Bay 15
Milverton 15
Murray River 15
Mcbride 13
Marystown 12
Mattawa 12
Merlin 12
Midway 12
Miramichi 12
Meadow Lake 11
Metcalfe 11
Milton (1039 - Mi Rural Milton) 11
Montague 11
Maidstone 10
Mcgregor 10
Mckellar 10
Manning 9
Maberly 8
Minto 8
Muskoka 7
Mactier 6
Maynooth 6
Montrose 6
Moonbeam 6
Moosomin 6
Manor Park - Cardinal Glen and Area 5
Mapleton 5
Mara 5
Maryhill 5
Melfort 5
Mountain 5
Malahat 4
Malakwa 4
Marshall 4
Marwayne 4
Mclennan 4
Mermaid 4
Moffat 4
Montague 4
Magrath 3
Marlbank 3
Marlboro 3
Matheson 3
Merville 3
Meteghan 3
Midale 3
Milford 3
Milton 3
Minett 3
Mira Gut 3
Mirror 3
Mississauga (central Erin Mills) 3
Mississauga (mississauga Valleys) 3
Morell 3
Morpeth 3
Muirkirk 3
Mulgrave 3
Malpeque 2
Manor 2
Manotick - Kars - Rideau Twp and Area 2
Marsden 2
Masset 2
Massey 2
Masstown 2
Maxville 2
Maxwell 2
Mcadam 2
Meota 2
Mexico 2
Milburn 2
Mildmay 2
Milford 2
Milltown 2
Minto 2
Mississauga (churchill Meadows) 2
Monkland 2
Morrin 2
Mortlach 2
Muenster 2
Municipality Of Grey Highlands 2
Mabou 1
Maccan 1
Machar 1
Mackey 1
Macoun 1
Mainland 1
Maitland 1
Malahide 1
Manilla 1
Mankota 1
Marcelin 1
Markinch 1
Marne 1
Marv 1
Maryvale 1
Mcgarry 1
Mclure 1
Mcmurrich/monteith (sprucedale) 1
Melford 1
Milden 1
Millet 1
Minburn 1
Mira 1
Miscou 1
Mispec 1
Mobile 1
Monkton 1
Mooneys Bay - Carleton Heights and Area 1
Mossbank 1
Mossley 1
Munster 1
Ontario (ON) 73065
British Columbia (BC) 28524
Alberta (AB) 8095
Nova Scotia (NS) 2130
Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) 1028
Yukon (YT) 10
Disclaimer: Listing count is for reference use only and may differ from actual numbers due to rapid market changes.