Find Canadian homes and condos for sale or sold prices by cities.
Kelowna 1578
Kitchener 1443
Kingston 524
Kamloops 426
Kanata 189
Keswick 179
Kleinburg 100
King City 89
Kincardine 80
Kemptville 65
Kingsville 64
Komoka 51
Kitimat 47
Keremeos 39
King 36
Kapuskasing 28
Kirkfield 21
Kaleden 19
Keene 18
Kaslo 14
Kentville 14
Kemble 13
Kimberley 10
Kingston 9
Kearney 7
Killaloe 7
Kinburn 7
Kamsack 5
Kippens 5
Kitscoty 5
Killam 4
Kinmount 4
Krestova 4
Kars 3
Karsdale 3
Katrine 3
Kedgwick 3
Kingston 3
Kaladar 2
Kearns 2
Kennedy 2
Kingston (east Of Sir John A. Blvd) 2
Kinkora 2
Kuroki 2
Kyle 2
Kawartha Lakes (burnt River) 1
Kawartha Lakes (fenelon Falls) 1
Kelliher 1
Kenabeek 1
Kendal 1
Kenmore 1
Kenora 1
Kerwood 1
Kilmuir 1
Kingman 1
Kingsley 1
Kingston (22 - East Of Sir John A. Blvd) 1
Kingston (25 - West Of Sir John A. Blvd) 1
Kingston (east Gardiners Rd) 1
Kintore 1
Kisbey 1
Kitwanga 1
Kleefeld 1
Ontario (ON) 73065
British Columbia (BC) 28524
Alberta (AB) 8095
Nova Scotia (NS) 2130
Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) 1028
Yukon (YT) 10
Disclaimer: Listing count is for reference use only and may differ from actual numbers due to rapid market changes.